MICHAUD offers solutions to significantly significantly the levels of non-technical losses through the cleaning of electrical distribution networks. As a result, network security, profitability and sustainability are improved.
Working on network efficiency is a major challenge and requires the involvement of all stakeholders, especially installers. MICHAUD supports its customers with training sessions dedicated to fitters in order to ensure the proper installation of equipment and avoid early damage.
By integrating the fight against fraud as soon as the specifications are defined, utilities opt for reliable solutions which are difficult to bypass and facilitate installation and maintenance.
Working in collaboration with national power companies, MICHAUD has identified several key points to protect on new installations, from the network to the meter. The use of innovative technologies, to make connections, paired with automatic control systems ensure a tamper-proof connection.
Electrical losses : how to limit them ?
Electrical losses are the difference between the volume of electricity generated (wind power, photovoltaic, power plant…) and the volume consumed by customers. There are two categories of losses: - Technical losses,