Thanks to years of research, mastered and completed manufacturing process as well as the implementation of quality systems and commitment of continuous improvement, MICHAUD designs, manufactures and sells products which quality and reliability make the company so well-known.

* accreditation n°1-0579 available on
The Group was one of the first in France to be certified according to the ISO 9001 standard and also acquired the ISO 14001 certification, for environmental protection.
Besides, in order to meet customers’ quality requirements, the MICHAUD Group is one of the few manufacturers to have invested in a Type Test laboratory certified by COFRAC since 1995. The COFRAC accreditation provides the proof of the laboratory’s competence and impartiality. It offers to companies a real guarantee of confidence in its professional services. The COFRAC accreditation, well known in France, is also recognised on the European and world-wide scale thanks to multilateral agreements.
Our purpose : making customer satisfaction our highest priority by meeting the requirements of French and International markets.