MICHAUD is proud to announce the signing of a partnership with ESF, Electriciens sans Frontières.

ESF, an international solidarity association, contributes to improving the living conditions of underprivileged populations and to the sustainable development of the poorest countries. Almost a billion people do not have access to electricity worldwide, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Access to energy is a lever for human and economic development for which MICHAUD is happy to work and is proud to announce the signing of a partnership with ESF.

A long term collaboration

ESF and MICHAUD have already worked together for several years. This collaboration has notably served around fifteen projects in more than 10 countries. From Madagascar to the Philippines, via Senegal and Nepal, MICHAUD products have been installed to support school electrification projects, housing for medical people and even villages.

The expertise of distribution networks and knowledge of the field around the world has enabled MICHAUD to develop innovative solutions dedicated to rural electrification. Two major issues: controlling energy consumption and adapting equipment to user needs in order to allow the installation of reliable and long-lasting facilities.

A major solution : the Energy Manager

The MICHAUD Energy Manager is equipped with an electronic autonomous regulator which controls the power and manages the energy automatically. It can be set up according to a time or energy criterion. So once the consumption time or the amount of energy has been exceeded, the box cuts off the power supply without requiring operator intervention. It replaces the meter and allows better management of the available energy by adapting to the capacities of the production source.

The Energy Manager is based on an teaching system for the user. He can refer to the LED indicator on the box to find out the remaining consumption for the day or the week following the defined setting, and thus regulate it.

Feedback on a common project

In 2015, ESF and the Red Cross installed 130 Energy Managers in the Philippines to bring electricity to an allotment using 3 solar power plants. The project made it possible to electrify 128 houses and various collective spaces.

This solution perfectly meets the constraints of rural electrification and is chosen by ESF on a regular basis. Our teams met on several occasions for training in order to be independent on product setting up. These exchanges can only be strengthened in the years to come with the common interest of making electricity accessible to all.

To know more about ESF inititative?

Find out projects and interventions of ESF https://electriciens-sans-frontieres.org/


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